Why Are Empaths Bleeding Out In The Covid-19 Pandemic?
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
Empaths, essential workers, extroverts, entrepreneurs, etc…
Everything has changed across the world for everyone in so many ways.
It is unfathomable… or at least, it was.
I don’t even know where to start with addressing this global pandemic happening right now.
The global influx of fear and anxiety hit my empath/HSP self like a Mack Truck five weeks ago and I’ve been struggling to keep my head above water.
Completely fatigued by the ebbs and flows from voltages of emotion, coupled with my own concerns swirling around (mixed with guilt over not being active), I’ve just been doing the bare minimum to get by (on the days I can get out of bed).
I feel like writing nothing and everything right now…
(Spoiler Alert: I went with the latter after five weeks of the former ;)
I have no plans to focus on Covid-19 coverage here after this, but it can’t not be addressed at this point.
First and foremost — my deepest, heartfelt gratitude goes out to every essential worker around the world right now who are exposed, tired, and scared, but still working to keep their fellow citizens going. Nurses, doctors, delivery folks, grocery store clerks, journalists, truckers, janitors, chefs, Dr. Fauci, Cuomo brothers, etc. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
My heart aches and goes out to every human dealing with deaths of their family and friends during this time — from Covid-19 and not — and figuring out this whole new world of distanced grieving and mourning in solitude. I am so sorry for what you are going through. This is horrible and it sucks. It is OK to feel all of your feelings right now. Give yourself space to let them out. I send you my deepest condolences.
My stomach curls when I think of all the families around the world who were just making it work from week to week and suddenly find themselves at the mercy of scarcely stocked food banks. And I can’t stop thinking about so many humans, unfortunately mostly women and children, under this Coronavirus quarantine that are trapped in unsafe, abusive environments with even fewer resources now to get out, get support, and re-build.
I feel the heaviness of disappointment hang on my shoulders when I hear about teens missing out on their senior prom, college students not getting to walk across the graduation stage, brides/grooms postponing their dream weddings, athletes missing their chance to get recruited for a scholarship, excited explorers having to cancel their first Euro trip, new parents missing out on getting to be supported and surrounded by their loved ones, etc…
I am gutted thinking of all the business owners — from restaurants to retail, coaches to chiropractors, etc — who have put every last penny, drop of sweat, and countless tears into their companies, only to have them turned completely upside down out of their control in a mere minute.
We all continue to deal with the layers of our own complicated lives on top of this pandemic so please remember — “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
I also gotta include a shout out to all the extroverts in a rare form of social angst, but committed to social distancing to keep their countries safe. Thank you for keeping your beautiful social butterfly self cocooned at home right now, I bet you’re going to find the most wildly creative ways to connect and re-energize society virtually. Take care, we need you ready and raring to go out once it’s time!
And, to my fellow introverts — who are pretending they miss socializing and relating mostly right now to all those cats who just want everyone else out of the damn house all day — you do you during this time, own the alone time, put yourself and your self-care first. Take the time to reflect, dig in deep, and share your story if/when you feel compelled. The world needs your thought leadership now more than ever.
You are all seen. heard. acknowledged. loved. respected.
If you are one of the lucky ones like myself right now — safe at home and snacking too frequently — please join me in being out of this freaking world grateful for the situation we are in. I have no issues as long as my family is safe, and no complaints if I have clean running water and food to eat. (Toilet paper is icing on the cake — Americans need a third world POV on TP but that’s a whole other story…)
Let’s stay committed to social distancing for as long as Cuomo (#GovernorsAreTheNewPresident ;) deems necessary — taking care of our mind, body, and spirits so we can stay strong and sustainably stitch our world back together again when the timing is right.
- Ways to Support Female-Founded Businesses During COVID-19
- Tips for Working From Home: A Guide by Female Founders Fund
- Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19 | USA CDC
- This is the Pandemic Podcast (by Jenny Blake) that you should not be missing if you’re looking for a calm, kind, heart-based approach to this unexpected global pivot happening. You already know that I couldn’t speak more highly of my friendtor Jenny Blake, and her episodes with Michael J. Consuelos (AKA Dr. MJC / AKA Physician, Pandemic Expert, and US ARMY Veteran) have truly been keeping me sane.
- 171: Dr. MJC on Business Scenario Planning, Buying Time, and Third Doors
- 178: Dr. MJC on Make-at-Home Supplies and Medical Updates
- 179: Generation P and Antifragile Business with Dr. MJC
- 186: Apokalypsis, Improvisation, and Light with Dr. MJC
- We all deserve a laughter break rn — shout out to all the creative humans getting scrappy and staying funny from home! I have not a damn clue how you’re doing it, but I’m cheering you on (silently in my sweatpants :) Watching clips of Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, and Carson Daly have been a welcomed relief from reality.
- Kind of joking — but I really am finding the Cuomo brothers to be delightful during this time — both individually as our New York Governor (Andrew Cuomo) and as a journalist (CNN — currently battling Covid-19), and together as brothers during this time. Here are a few of my favorite cutest clips of them:
- Chris Cuomo shares picture that embarrasses brother
- Cuomo crashes brother’s news conference to share dream he had after diagnosis
- Governor Andrew Cuomo explains how the USA government works to delusional President Trump
Originally sent in my weekly community note on 4/17/2020. If you enjoyed this article, please do take a few seconds to 👏 and share it with your friends. Remember, you can clap up to 50 times — it really makes a big difference for me.
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