What Its Like to Get a Birth Chart Reading
I got my first birth chart reading done last month.
I wish I had done it sooner.
It confirmed and explained a lot of things in my life that I feel intuitively deep down.
I did a 1.5 hour intuitive birth chart reading with Rebecca Conran. I’ve worked with Rebecca for the past few years during my divorce recovery through intuitive tarot card readings, and have come to appreciate and trust her intuitive insights and guidance.
I was ready, curious, and excited to learn more about my unique astrological imprint with her.
This was my 32nd birthday gift to myself, and I’m so glad I had this experience.
My birthday is September 10th, so I know all about that Virgo life! But I was curious to see what other planet influences I had happening.
I believe in astrology and that the alignment of the planets in our universe have an effect on our physical and emotional energy here on planet Earth.
It’s something I feel strongly drawn to and am deeply curious about, so this felt like a good first step in figuring things out.