Thanks Ellen! (Or do you prefer Cheeky? Or EE?) ♥️
Friendtors have made all the difference in my life!
Finding people hustling as hard as you / a couple levels above where you want to be and connecting with them is key 🔑 to finding your way.
My intelligent and passionate friends — like Tom Kuegler Luyba Zeylikman Megan Minor — have always provided support and kept me inspired through the ups and down.
Tom Kuegler and I still haven’t met in person (on VC tho for his Virtual Summit!), but we bonded over being writers, INFJs, HuffPost Contributors, and going to the same college (I’m just 7 years older!) and stayed in touch when we met on Twitter. It’s been really cool to have someone younger / smarter / different life path perspective to brainstorm with the past year+! :)
👁🗨 Closely evaluate the people you spend your time with.
— SH